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Examples of Recorded Vehicle Data
(click on each photo to view a larger image)
Vehicle CP02
Date: 29-
Full day of operation for LV018
(Data File: Summary5.Out)
Click here for this image without
the aerial photo.
Vehicle CP03
Date: 22-
Partial day of operation for DT022
(Data File: Summary6.Out)
The data on this image is for a Haul Truck and was
generated to view the vehicle path. Haul Truck analysis
will be different to the LV analysis and will be
considered at a later date.
Vehicle CP09
Date: 23-
Full day of operation for WC001
(Data File: Summary7.Out)
The data on this image is for a Water Tanker and was
generated to view the vehicle path. Water Tanker analysis
will be different to the LV analysis and will be
considered at a later date.